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Here are some questions that we get daily: Q: I can buy Hemp Oil at the grocery. Is that what you guys sell? A: No, Hemp oil is extracted from hemp seed and contains low to no CBD. Hemp Oil is used as a food. Hemp Extracts are obtained from…
We are regularly asked—what’s the best Multivitamin/mineral on market. Obviously, there are many good ones on the market, but the one we have found to be the best over the last 20 years (and the one we use ourselves) is the Nutrient 950 by Pure Encapsulations (with or without iron).…
CBD Oil CBD oil is an extract from the cannabis plant (hemp) that contains a group of molecules called cannabinoids. These cannabinoids, which contain a high concentration of CBD but very little THC (the one that gets you high), are being studied for many therapeutic effects. You can think of CBD…
We’ll be talking weight loss and supplements the next few blogs, so here we go. The big thing to know right off is that there is no miracle weight loss supplement in the world. Especially don’t waste your money on those miracle weight-loss products on TV. They are a rip…
For years the conventional world of medicine has tried to invalidate the effectiveness of glucosamine and chondroitin for osteoarthritis by saying things like the studies that have been done are no good and, even crazier, that the studies were not done in the United States so they don’t count. Well, a…
As we age (after 50) our bodies begin to make less of everything, including our hormones. For women, it’s mainly estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and one called dehydroepiandosterone (abbreviated DHEA). For men, it’s mainly testosterone and DHEA. So, what’s the big deal? Well, hormones are like a tank of gas. When full,…
As we age, all our systems begin to decline, including our brain functions. So, here is some advice as well as some supplements you can try. Keep your brain active in some way other than watching TV (e.g., reading, play music, engage conversations rather than text). If you don’t use…
High-Potency Multivitamin/Mineral Your body needs many vitamins and minerals to function properly. Obviously, many of us don’t get as many vitamins and minerals as we need in food anymore because of lousy diets, so try using a high-potency vitamin product (meaning it has higher concentrations of vitamins and minerals than your typical “big…
Over the next few blogs we will be looking at steps the over-50 crowd can take toward healthy living. For most of us, once we hit 50 years old, our health begins to take a little more importance in our daily lives. And there’s a good reason for this, our…